Rifampicin powder
Power facotry
Aquatic bacteriostasis powder
Rifampicin powder
【Ingredients】 Rifampicin
【Specifications】Rifampicin 25%, 70%
【Appearance】 This product is light red powder.
【Pharmacological action】
Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has inhibitory effect on G+ bacteria and G- bacteria, and has good curative effect on diseases caused by vibrio, streptococcus, pseudomonas and bacillus in aquatic animals. Especially for vibrio, bacillus caused by the sea cucumber disease has special effects. This product can inhibit the binding of 70S ribosome and 50S subunit of bacteria, block the peptide transfer reaction of peptide-acyltransferase, and thereby inhibit the extension of peptide chain. Interfering with the synthesis of bacterial proteins to achieve the purpose of inhibition and sterilization; at the same time, combined with ulceration to promote the healing and achieve the long-term effect of immunotherapy.
Prevention and treatment of aquatic disease:
1. Fish due to bacteria, viruses caused by fulminant hemorrhagic disease, bacterial rotten gills disease, white head white mouth disease, red skin disease, print disease, white skin disease, furunculosis, water mold disease, gill mold, enteritis, ascites disease, and other bacterial diseases.
2. Fulminant red leg disease, enteritis disease, yellow head disease, fluorescence disease, rotten eyes disease, leukoderma disease, black spot disease, crustacean canker disease, tremors disease, edema disease, blackgill disease, red body disease, muscle necrosis caused by bacteria and viruses.
3. Due to bacteria, mold, viruses and other diseases, the sea cucumber can cause explosive epidemic diseases, such as calculi (canker), swollen mouth, vomiting intestine, shaking head, etc.;It also has a good control effect on the "chemical board" disease of young ginseng. It has remarkable effect on the edge rot and stomach rot in seedling period.
【Application】It is applicable to the whole seedling period, seedling protection period and cultivation period of sea cucumber, fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and other aquatic animals.
【Usage and dosage】
Fish 20-30g/m3 bath for 2-3 hours.
【Storage】Sealed, shading, stored in a dry and cool place
【Adverse reactions】
According to the usage and dosage, no adverse reactions were observed.
【Validity】2 years